Disabilities QnA Resources


I. Medical

  1. What are the causes of disability? (What causes disability? / Why do some people have disability?)
  1. How can we prevent disability? (Can we avoid disability? / How can we stop disability from happening?)
  • Indian Source: vikaspedia.in
  • International Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • International Source: Iris.who.int.pdf
  1. Can disabilities be medically cured or reversed / treated permanently?
  1. How do we suspect disability in a child? (What are the symptoms of disability? / How do we come to know that a child has a disability?)

II. Education/Intervention

  1. What is the current scene in India on inclusive school? (Are Indian school inclusive in true sense?) (Is inclusion practiced in Indian schools?)
  1. How can Indian schools be made inclusive (What should schools do to offer inclusive education?) (What are the steps/best practices towards inclusive schools?) (What concrete actions can administrators take to improve their inclusive schooling model)
  1. Which school option is better for children with disabilities, Special school/Inclusive school? (What are the types of schools available for children with disabilities? What are the school options for children with disabilities?)
  1. How do we accommodate students with disability in mainstream classrooms? (How can children with disabilities learn in a mainstream school?)
  • International Source: cft.vanderbilt.edu
  • International Source: www.friendshipcircle.org
  • International Source: Students with disabilities mainstream classrooms.pdf
  1. How do teachers know the disability of the students? (What are the symptoms of disability which teachers can notice in the class?)
  • International Source: Child Mind Institute
  • International Source: www.ws.edu
  • International Source: Greater Good Magazine
  1. Do children with disability learn differently? (How do children with disability learn school subjects?)

III. Disability/Nature/Type/Labeling/Impact

  1. What is disability?
  1. How are disabilities classified?
  1. What are appropriate terms to refer to different disabilities?
  1. Do disabilities have degrees?

IV. Call for Action

  1. How can society support PwDs? (How can we make life of a PwD simpler? / What are people expected to do to help PwDs?)
  1. What is the current level of awareness about disability? (What can I do to improve awareness? Do people know about disability?)
  1. Who is accountable to take action for ensuring better life for PwDs? (How do we ensure implementation of the law? What if people at authority positions don’t know about the law? What can we do if we see that the law / policy is not being implemented?)
  • International Source: www.ohchr.org
  • Indian Source: Disabilityaffairs.gov.in
  • International Source: Global disability action plan.pdf

V. Legislations/Policies

  1. What are the various Acts in India related to persons with disabilities?
  • Indian Source: DisabledRight.pdf
  • Indian Source: Vikaspedia.in
  • Indian Source: Cjp.org.in
  1. What are the rights of PwDs? (Are there any specific rights of the PWDs?)
  1. Where is the information on schemes/provisions/concessions/accommodations found?
  • Indian Source: www.swavlambancard.gov.in
  • Indian Source: Disabilityaffairs.gov.in
  • Indian Source: Disabilityaffairs.gov.in/pdf
  1. Who is expected to monitor the implementation of disability related Acts in India?
  • Indian Source: Disabilityaffairs.gov.in/chief-commissioner-for-persons-with-disabilities
  • Indian Source: Vikaspedia.in
  • Indian Source: pib.gov.in

VI. Technology/Assistive Devices

  1. What are the different types of assistive devices or software used for PwDs?
  • International Source: Minnesotan.gov
  • International Source: www.nichd.nih.gov
  • International Source: webaccess.berkeley.edu
  1. Are the assistive devices cost effective and easily available? (Where do PwDs get assistive devices? / Does Govt give free devices to PwDs? How do families bear the burden/cost of buying the assistive devices?)
  1. What can be done to improve accessibility for PwDs?

VII. Employment

  1. Can PwDs be employed?
  • India Source: dopt.gov.in/FAQ_Disabilities.pdf
  • India Source: indianexpress.com
  • India Source: punarbhava.in
  1. What employment opportunities are available for Indian PwDs?
  1. How can workplace employment be disability friendly?
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