The Boundary Breaker

VeenaVisual Impairment

Get ready for a rollercoaster of inspiration in this film featuring the unstoppable Veena Mehta! This tale kicks off in the kitchen, where Veena, armed with knives and sass, proves that visual Impairment won’t cramp her culinary style. She’s also the master of assistive devices, turning Alexa into her sidekick. The film captures her incredible journey from beginning her education at the age of 12 to pursuing an MBA, against societal expectations. Veena’s dedication to health, evident in her home fitness setup, showcases her determination to lead a holistic and independent life. Also witness her ingenious use of an audio labeler for dressing up, breaking the fashion stereotypes associated with visual impairment.

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Familiarize yourself with and expand your vocabulary of disability-related terminology! 
K - Kinesthetic
I - Independence
R - Resource room
P - Polio
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