The Resilient Venturer

SabariVI & Growth Hormone Disability

Sabari, a determined student and advocate, shares his profound thoughts on disability in this film. Born as a premature baby, he faced the challenges of growth hormone deficiency and limited vision—only 1% in his left eye, with complete blindness in the right due to medical negligence. The film showcases Sabari utilizing mobile apps, highlighting his determination to overcome challenges. His story also sheds light on him facing bullies, on the impact of societal attitudes on individuals with or without disabilities and the importance of a supportive community in fostering success. Sabari’s journey unfolds as a testament to his perseverance, resilience, and commitment to achieving his academic aspirations.

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Familiarize yourself with and expand your vocabulary of disability-related terminology! 
A - Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)
S - Stylus
N - Neurodiversity
S - Screen reading software
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