Many people wrongly believe that leprosy spreads through touch.
There are many myths, one being that it is the sin of the previous birth or that it is a curse.
There are further myths that it spreads by touching and sitting with them, but this is not true and I am a living example of this.
I was born into a leprosy colony.
My mother-in-law and my mother had leprosy.
I had leprosy by the time I was 7.
There were two or three patches on my body.
As soon as she found out I had leprosy, she immediately took me to the hospital and I recovered after taking medicine.
However, we have faced many challenges in our lives.
We lived in a colony and people labelled it as a leprosy colony.
Because we lived in a leprosy colony, we were unable to get into school.
I wanted to study, but none of the schools admitted me.
I got in after a lot of struggle.
Earlier, many people used to say it’s Kod ( leprosy), happens from touching, that they are untouchable.
So, people were afraid.
In the movies too, it was depicted as a contagious disease, always highlighting the physical deformities, depicting them as beggars, which is not always true because they too are independent and working individuals and they can live well.
Leprosy can happen to any one of us.
If you have a white spot on the skin and no hair in it, and you feel that it is a sign of leprosy, go immediately to the hospital to see a doctor.
And if the doctor confirms leprosy and prescribes medicines, you definitely have to have them.
A lot of people will spread myths about this disease, make you afraid that you will become untouchable.
People suggest you visit a Tantrik (exorcist) they will recite mantras and give you drugs.
Don't do any of that.
You need to go to a government hospital where you will also get free medication.
If you have the prescribed medicines you can be cured of this completely.
This can happen to anyone; you have nothing to fear.
If you don't have medication and do not complete the prescribed course, whether it’s a 6-month course or a year course then in the future, you can have a disability.
But you should have medication and be cured.