Stories of Determination at Indigo


People with disabilities are employed in various sectors, demonstrating remarkable skills, dedication and adaptability. Through comprehensive training and support, many people with disabilities have excelled in diverse roles across industries! And we are proud to present stories that highlight these successes.

In this film, we focus on Joseph Rodricks and Aniket Bagul, two employees at Indigo Airlines. Joseph, who joined Indigo in 2016 and is quadriplegic, has risen to the position of Senior Executive through hard work and determination. Aniket, who has rickets and uses a wheelchair, has similarly achieved the role of Senior Executive, showcasing his commitment and hard work.

The film illustrates only one sector of the wide range of sectors where people with disabilities can be successfully employed. These stories underscore the importance of providing the right training, support, and inclusive policies to enable people with disabilities to thrive in their careers!

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Familiarize yourself with and expand your vocabulary of disability-related terminology! 
T - Tactile floors
F - Flexible working hours
E - Empathy
P - Parental involvement
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