A Fearless Explorer

LalitSickle Cell Anemia

This film invites viewers into the life of Lalit, a remarkable individual who has faced the challenges of Sickle Cell Anemia for 34 years. Diagnosed at the age of 16 due to lack of awareness, Lalit shares the challenges and complications associated with this genetic blood disorder. Despite the hurdles, Lalit emphasizes the importance of disease management and proper awareness. His advocacy extends to encouraging testing before marriage to prevent the hereditary transmission of Sickle Cell. The documentary serves as both a personal narrative and a call to action, urging society to better understand and support those living with Sickle Cell Anemia.

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Familiarize yourself with and expand your vocabulary of disability-related terminology! 
P - Parental involvement
C - Communication options
G - Guide dog
T - Tactile floors
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